Article, Articles, Children, Family Law, Feature
Parenting must be addressed in family law cases involving children when you decide to separate from your spouse. You need to work out such things as guardianship, parenting responsibilities, parenting time and child support with the other parent. 1. Guardianship...
Agreements, Children, Family Law, Information
If you are transitioning out of your current family relationship, you will want to determine how you and your spouse will deal with your financial and family affairs now and in the future. The law provides guidance on these issues and you and your spouse, with or...
Agreements, Family Law, Information
If you’re starting your life with a new partner, you may want to carefully plan how you will sort out your affairs so you, your new partner, your respective children, and other family members are taken care of both now and in the future. A cohabitation agreement helps...
Children, Dispute Resolution, Family Law, Information
Once you have an agreement or a Court Order about parenting time and responsibilities you need to implement it. However, you may be in constant conflict with your former spouse over the daily decisions that need to be made such as transition places and times,...
Dispute Resolution, Family Law, Information
While we generally recommend trying to resolve family matters outside of court, sometimes going to court is the best option. This is particularly true where there is a history of family violence, where one party threatens to hide or dispose of property, one party...
Dispute Resolution, Family Law, Information
Arbitration and mediation/arbitration (or “med/arb” as it is often referred to) are ways to resolve disputes that provide an alternative to going to court or using a traditional mediation format. As a form of dispute resolution, the objective of arbitration is to...