Children, Family Law, Feature, News
The BHM Team would like to share this great resource from Sesame Street. There are kid-friendly videos, tips and blogs to help children understand the concept of divorce. Click here.
BHM Happenings, Children, Events, Family Law, Information
Trudi Brown will chair and Suzanne Williams will present at the Pacific Business and Law Institute’s upcoming course on Family Law: Focus on Children and Parenting on March 3, 2016 in Vancouver. If you would like to find out more about the people involved, take...
Children, Cost, Family Law, Information
The child’s views are one factor under the law that must be considered when a decision is made about the child’s best interests. Where a child is capable of freely expressing his or her views, and wishes to do so, the child has a right to share them with...
Article, Articles, Children, Family Law, Feature
Parenting must be addressed in family law cases involving children when you decide to separate from your spouse. You need to work out such things as guardianship, parenting responsibilities, parenting time and child support with the other parent. 1. Guardianship...
Agreements, Children, Family Law, Information
If you are transitioning out of your current family relationship, you will want to determine how you and your spouse will deal with your financial and family affairs now and in the future. The law provides guidance on these issues and you and your spouse, with or...