Children, Family Law, News
Canada’s highest court decided in Michel v. Graydon, 2020 SCC 24 that if you understate your income for a child support order you run the risk a court will later retroactively vary child support based on your actual income and order you to pay a hefty...
Articles, Children, Cost, Family Law, Feature, Information
The amount of child support that a parent must pay to the other parent depends on many factors, including the number of children for whom support is to be paid, the parenting arrangements for the child or children, as well as each parent’s income. The Child Support...
BHM Happenings, Family Law, News
BHM lawyers travelled to the other coast of Canada in July to attend the Federation of Law Societies of Canada’s National Family Law Program in St. John’s, Newfoundland. The Conference attracted lawyers, judges and academics from across the country. Trudi...