Can a Child Testify in a Family Law Trial?
Parents sometimes ask us if their children can be witnesses at their family law trials. Judges will not usually allow minor children to take the witness stand in a trial.

Canada Shouldn’t be a “Haven” for Child Abduction
If one parent removes a child from their home without the consent of the other parent and takes them to another jurisdiction, that is considered child abduction. Many countries are signatories to the Hague Convention which is an international agreement on how these...

Vary Child Support Order Retroactively if Income is Understated Says Highest Court
Canada's highest court decided in Michel v. Graydon, 2020 SCC 24 that if you understate your income for a child support order you run the risk a court will later retroactively vary child support based on your actual income and order you to pay a hefty sum. And,...

Collaborative Law Group Offers Low Cost Legal Services
Low cost Collaborative Family Law is available to Victoria Families whose family income is less than $75,000 and family property is less than $100,000. The Society for Collaborative Family Separation Professionals (CFSP) in partnership with the BC Collaborative...

Legal Assistant Patricia’s Tips on Working from Home
If you find yourself working from home for the first time, here are some working from home tips from Brown Henderson Melbye Legal Assistant Patricia. You will likely speak with Patricia when you arrange your first family law appointment. Patricia has been with us...

New Law in Canada Focused on Indigenous Children and Families
On January 1, 2020 a new law in Canada focused on Indigenous Children and Families, An Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families (the “Act”) came into force . The Act’s preamble proclaims the government’s intention to implement the...

Court Weighs in on Co-parenting and Covid-19
Many families are struggling with co-parenting and Covid-19 challenges. Even families who have never been to court before are seeking the Court's help in this unprecedented time. Essential workers in particular, are being dragged into court to defend their right to...

Judicial Case Conferences – What You Should Know
If you have a family case in the Supreme Court of British Columbia you will encounter the Judicial Case Conference ("JCC") early in your court process. A JCC is a private, informal, without prejudice meeting between you, the other party, your respective lawyers and a...

Education Support to BC Children and Youth in Care
Children and youth who have been in Government Care in BC have financial options to help them further their education. The Foster Parent Support Services Society ("FPSS") compiles this information in a new resource, A Guide to: Scholarships, Bursaries,...

Trudi Brown In The Media about High Conflict
Trudi Brown was asked to do several interviews in early January 2018 about high conflict cases after a tragic family law matter was in the news which devastated the family and broader community. The news items focused on how to best support children and...